Tickets are now on sale for The Nic Willoughby Fund Ball on Saturday 30th April 2022 at The Oxfordshire Golf Hotel and Spa.

We are so excited to be able to organise this fundraising event again and really looking forward to welcoming you on the night!

If there’s one lesson I want to take away from the last year, it would be to leave no stone unturned. What do I mean by this? Everything we’ve aimed to do with the Nic Willoughby Fund has come from a team of peers all with one ambition and this stems from ideas and challenges. And without challenging those ideas we simply wouldn’t know what’s around the corner for us and how we can better things!. 

We are delighted to announce that there will be heart-screening sessions for young men and women (aged 14-35) in Bucks in 2022. The charity, Cardiac Risk in the Young, (better known as, CRY) will provide the screening sessions and The Nic Willoughby Fund, in partnership with The Heart of Bucks, will sponsor the events. Each event will provide screening for up to 100 people, we will advertise the event to local grassroot sports clubs, but it will be open to everyone to book a screening. Obviously, this is all subject to COVID regulations.

This is something, as a collective, we have been pushing for since day one. CRY’s vision is to prevent young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening and research, and provide support to affected families. Anyone who attends will have the opportunity to be screened, and any abnormalities that are identified will be shared with that individual so that the necessary action can be taken. 

I can’t put into words the heartbreak of losing Nic, it’s been  three years since he passed and I still think of him every day. Even if just one abnormality comes from the hundreds we plan to screen, that is one life we can hopefully secure a future for. And by doing this, no family or friend will ever have to go through the heartbreak we faced. I’m sorry to end this newsletter on a sadder note, but I’m sure you can see the value in what we’re doing with CRY. To us, it is worth its weight in gold, and we can’t wait to get started!

Best wishes, 

Cam and the Fundraising Team

NWF Chairman and Committee